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Android Go, the best application that you can install on your phone

We always see updates and new versions one after the other from the Android system, and we also see the advanced improvements that the company offers in all its applications, saying that low phones with old processors and small storage spaces will not be able to keep pace with this amount of development so, in 2017 Google began to introduce The first version of Android Go, which is a light version of Android and very suitable for low-end phones

نظام أندرويد الرسمي و Android One و Android Go.. أيهم أفضل لك ...

From 2017 until now, Google is updating GO versions to keep pace with technological development and suitable for low phones, and in this article there are many applications available from this version that you can use in your phone even if you do not have Android Go

تطبيق Google Go الخفيف أصبح متوفرًا الآن للتحميل على الصعيد ...

It's the same Google app we have on our smartphones, but with anonymity that helps make things lighter: Google Assistant is not included in things. You'll have the ability to do daily searches in this way, as well as the ability to use Google Lens and add incognito mode.

مميزات تطبيق Google Maps Go للخرائط - المرسال

It is a very innovative software, and it just weights 219 KB, which is excellent for low-resource computers. While the interface is much simpler than in the full version, you can review maps and build charts, so you can use Street View without using the power of your computer.

APK ] Camera Go APK Download with HDR+ and Portrait mode
It's one of the newest features in the Android Go list, and while its tests aren't as good as the full app tests, it's a decent alternative to the lower-device picture. The portrait mode is among the most stunning features and while it is not available in Google Play, it can be enabled from the APK.

YouTube Go - التطبيقات على Google Play

Another great alternative to the Go catalog is worth installing on any device to save resources. Unlike its full version, which weighs around 130MB, YouTube Go takes less than 30MB, which is excellent news for any device with little space. The interface is very simple and above all, you can download videos so that we can watch them offline.
