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The WifiNanScan Application, a new Google app, was just released.

 Google has just released an intriguing new software, but it currently lacks any usable functionality.
With Wi-Fi Aware technologies, Google is trying to add new wireless features to phones without the need for an active internet link.

The modern Wi-Fi functions work in a similar manner to Bluetooth, but with the added benefit of being able to communicate over far longer distances.

WifiNanScan is the name of the new Google app, which can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. It is currently intended for Wi-Fi Aware software creators.

Neighbor Awareness Networking is another name for Wi-Fi Aware (NAN). Wi-Fi Aware applications, which enable smartphones and other gadgets to wirelessly locate and communicate with each other, would be able to run on devices running Android 8.0 or higher.

The computers can communicate directly with one another, without the use of Wi-Fi, any types of internet, or GPS.

Wi-Fi Aware devices may exchange vast volumes of data or send SMS messages within themselves. According to Google, the system allows for "higher transfer speeds for longer distances from Bluetooth links."

Wi-Fi Aware has a wide range of applications, from basic tasks like chatting with local people to play games to making friends at a festival without using the internet or GPS.

More specialized uses that favor companies would be supported as well, such as safely linking to an offline printer or making restaurant reservations by walking nearby without using the phone, even though the restaurant is closed.

Application link:
                              WifiNanScan App
