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Before they revert to their original price, get these cool premium applications for free.

 Google Play provides exciting discounts of up to 100% on certain applications every few days. Since these deals do not have an app store site, they are difficult to locate. Today, we've assembled a list of the most intriguing paid applications that are actually free for a limited time. All can be downloaded for free for a limited time only, which you can now take advantage of. You don't have to spend any money to load your phone with payment apps.

We selected only the most intriguing applications from the Google Play store for you. They all have different post scores that are higher than four stars. It's likely that you saw these applications on Google Play but didn't download them because they were paid apps. It is now available for free download.

90X Duplicate File Remover Pro

Gym Pro home workouts

Equalizer FX Pro

Speed View GPS Pro

SUI File Explorer PRO

Simple Nav Bar - Google Play

Emazao Crop and Livestock

QR and barcode scanner

Decimal to fraction Pro

Equalizer - Bass Booster

Music 90s Radio Pro

Math Fractions Pro

Touch Lock: Lock touch screen

Many of the applications on the list are currently available for free. If you log into an app and are prompted to pay, you have arrived late and the deal has expired.

It's best to look over the whole list of applications and download the ones that appeal to you. They are applications that will be free for a limited time only, after which you will have to pay to download them.
