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SODAR , is new Feature launches by google to measrue the space around you using your smartphone

Wherever we travel, there is a sign in several countries saying "hold the suggested gap of 2 meters" between you and other people to prevent contamination with Corona virus, and that makes others begin to wonder ... What's two meters, exactly?

Hulp bij anderhalve meter afstand met Google Sodar AR-app ...

To avoid problems in this regard, many stores have branded labels on the floor, but Google wants to make it easier with an augmented reality tool.
This is SOLDAR, a website we can open from our mobile phone to show our surroundings with a circle marker indicating the distance.
It is a pilot project presented by Google Experiments Account, which creates a radius of two meters around us through the phone screen.

It's not an application to launch, but you must grant permission to the user to use the webcam to concentrate on our surroundings. We just need to look at the ground so that we can see the target, outline the region with the dots and draw with a straight line.

A very simple project of great benefit that shows how easy it is to implement a project in a short time using augmented reality.
