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What you must do to keep using Windows 7 in a safe and fearless manner

 We all know that as of January 14, 2020, Microsoft can no longer have any form of support for the Windows 7 operating system.
The end date for Windows 7 and the lack of security updates was January 14, which is what every operating system in the world relies on to keep users safe and secure. As a result, all Windows 7 users must either update to Windows 10 or find another solution.

However, some users will not be able to upgrade to Windows 10 due to the capabilities of their computers, and in the business world, many applications will only run on OS 7 or lower, and many users will continue to use Windows 7 on their laptops or desktops. They are persistent about not going to another system.

Now I'll give you some pointers and guidance about how to use Windows 7 in a secure manner.

1- Install a strong protection program on your computer to protect you from hacking and viruses; we suggest Internet Est Security, which is the best protection program for Windows 7, as it is one of the best programs that provides strong protection against viruses and penetration.

2- You must update all of the programs on your computer first, and you must not leave any old versions on the device; if you find it difficult to update the programs yourself, you may use a program that updates the programs automatically without your intervention.

3- Never use Internet Explorer on Windows 7, since it is the most vulnerable to hacking and viruses.

4- Carefully choose the programs to be installed; that is, you must be secure in the security of the source from which the programs were downloaded.

You will now use the Windows 7 operating system in a safe and trouble-free manner.
