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Download TikTok videos easily without the unpleasant watermark.

TikTok took a giant leap as a social network to keep up with proven and strong rivals like Instagram or Facebook. The Chinese video platform is characterized by ease of use and a variety of options that allow users to make very effective, high-quality short videos. However, any who wish to download, store or have these videos to be shared somewhere do not have the option to do so without having a watermark.

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In this way, we would like to give you an online service that allows you to get any TikTok video free of watermarks.  It's named TikTokShort.
While you haven't activated TikTok yet, you've probably already seen his videos on Facebook or Twitter ... The reality is that the results that can be achieved are incredible, and there are videos that can be quite enticing. In this context, whether you have one or more videos that you want to access to your device or smartphone, TikTokShort is an excellent option for ease of use and free of charge and does not require registration.

To continue using this app, please follow the link at the end of this article and you can see the title bar on the main page. You have to paste the TikTok video file you want to copy, to do so, just go to the TikTok video and click the "Post" button and pick the "Copy File" button.
When you pasted the file, all you need to do is press the "Upload" button on the web so that the video can start to be downloaded in a few seconds. Being a free service, you can replicate this procedure as many times as you want and get the video you want without the watermark used in the Tik Tok files.

Website link:  TikTokShort 
